Main Page

From BRUS Wikipedia
Revision as of 23:55, 14 January 2025 by Kaittlan (talk | contribs) (Grammarly issues, added AI content rule.)
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BRUSwiki Foundation
BRUSwiki Foundation Founder
Jack Tentacles

Welcome to BRUS Wikipedia!

Hello, my name is Jack Tentacles. I founded BRUS Wikipedia, and its parent company, BRUSWiki on January 13th, 2025, so everybody could enjoy well-thought-out biographies (among more) of the most prominent people within the Bloxburg United Nations. BRUS Wikipedia is currently developed day-to-day with myself, my brother Richard, and my good friend Bryan. Together, we will change the world and revolutionize free speech.

To make sure everyone is able to participate freely in BRUS Wikipedia, we ask that you follow these guidelines. Failure to do so will result in administrative action either from BRUSWiki or Server administrators.

Personal Pages: Members cannot create personal pages unless Wikipedia Management and Development decides. To contact Wikipedia Management, refer to the main communications server which should be easily accessible from the BRUS Official Discord Server.

Editing: Only edit pages with explicit permission from OG page writers. Unauthorized edits may lead to restrictions.

Respect: Maintain respectful language and behavior on this platform. Crude or offensive content will be removed and/or reported to the BRUS Staff Department. This applies to making hate or biased pages.

Vandalism: Any form of vandalism, such as disrupting or misrepresenting content, will result in a ban.

Content Organization: Follow correct formats and ensure clear and relevant content. To do this, refer to real Wikipedia pages, and see the formats and codes they use to get certain results.

AI Content: AI content is prohibited. This includes using AI to write your biography/pages. However, there is an exception, as your page may not include more than 40% of AI-generated content. Above 40% will result in your work getting removed immediately. We can and will detect your work if we notice odd content.

Group Management, Server administration (both however, limited), and BRUSWiki work together hand-in-hand to make sure that Wikipedia can be beneficial and welcoming to everyone and can point out vile language or inaccuracies.

Thank you for making this the great community that it is!
